Here are a few mildly sad things that keep me going while "running" the restaurant:
- Seeing how many customers I can convince to order an extra side of soup or egg rolls on the phone. I think I have about an 80 percent success rate.
- Planning my next lunch order and trying to come up with food combinations from the kitchen that taste as little like Chinese food as possible.
- Spotting exitting customers before anyone else and being the first to yell "Thank you! Bu-bye!"
- Hiding behind the bar to avoid people I recognize from childhood (luckily when there are a lot of takeout orders lined up, I can just barely see over them).
- Talking to customers with my Chinese mom accent (as an unfortunate side effect, I noticed that I sometimes bow to departing customers now).
- Coming up with fun, new spins on the traditional "Thank you! Buy-bye!"
- Getting better takeout tips than anyone else.